One of the main concerns expressed to San Diego DUI criminal defense attorneys is being able to “drive.” Driving is so important because of sparse public transportation. One does not want to be driving on a suspended license at any time after being arrested for a drunk driving charge in San Diego California. Penalties are severe.
New laws penalize those who get caught driving on a suspended license after a DUI.
In addition to mandatory jail, if convicted, here’s some new laws a person needs to be aware of after a San Diego DUI lawyer handles his or her case:
Mandatory Ignition Interlocks. This new law requires Ignition Interlock Devices (IIDs) be installed on vehicles owned and operated by motorists convicted of driving on a suspended license due to a previous alcohol-related conviction.
“There are an estimated 40,000 persons convicted annually of DUI-related offenses who then drive on suspended licenses; further, there were 1,489 people needlessly killed in an alcohol-involved collision during 2007 in California. This law is a major step toward reducing those numbers,” said DMV Director George Valverde.
The DMV must notify the court if you fail to submit proof of installation of an IID within 30 days from date of notice. A person who is required and fails to install an IID is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than six months or by fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or both.
Motorists who fall into the category of driving with a suspended license for a DUI-related conviction will be assessed a administrative fee for verification of the IID installation.
Ignition Interlock Devices (IID) (SB 1190, Oropeza) This new law reduces the BAC from .20 percent to .15 percent or more at the time of arrest to trigger a requirement for the court to give heightened consideration for the installation of an IID for a first-time offender convicted of DUI of an alcoholic beverage.
Ignition Interlock Devices (SB 1388, Torlakson) Effective July 2009, this new law transfers authority for the administration of mandatory IID programs from the state courts to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This law also authorizes the DMV to require any driver convicted of driving with a suspended license due to a prior conviction for DUI to install an IID in any vehicle that the offender owns or operates.