Just because the Government Light Activators make you stop your vehicle in a scary location for no apparent reason, does not mean you can be lawfully arrested or convicted of a San Diego DUI. In fact, many DUI attorneys give free advice out on the Internet.
Here’s a classic example Southern California lawyers recently heard about:
Buena Park California Mayor Fred Smith was stopped & popped for DUI. DUI Officer Reyes pulled over the Mayor for allegedly “straddling lanes.” So he claims he smelled on Mayor Smith’s breath. Then the DUI cop claims the Mayor failed California DUI acrobatics known as field sobriety tests. So, low and behold, he was arrested Mayor for drunk driving.
Big problem, attorneys say, is the Mayor consumed no alcohol. Only Diet Coke and fish oil was apparently in his system. No California DUI chemical test has yet proven otherwise.
Here’s the catch, lawyers believe. While a number of San Diego DUI arrests are based on economic purposes, more overtime pay for the DUI officer, the annual DUI arrest award by MADD, potential pay raises vis a vis promotion, there was an ulterior motive in this Southern California DUI case.
Mayor suspects both the DUI stop and drunk driving arrest were only as retaliation for the Mayor’s political decisions.
Mayor Smith was leaving a holiday event. He believes he was followed by the officers in an attempt to catch him for a DUI driving as retaliation for a recent decision made by Mayor Smith. The decision supposedly had to do with the replacement of Police Chief Monson with Captain Sianez at the time of Monson’s retirement, a decision rumored to be unpopular with a number of DUI cops, lawyers are told.
You may also wish to call a San Diego DUI Attorney to contest your DUI & DMV case. Or see free online California DUI Attorney advice at these forums.