San Diego DUI bust? License bye-bye? Get it back today. If you need a criminal defense lawyer to explain what you must do within 10 days of being arrested for drunk driving, here it is!
10. If you want your driver’s license or privileges back, your San Diego DUI lawyer has only ten (10) calendar days to contact DMV!
Do not schedule yourself. If you contact DMV to schedule a date conflicting with your San Diego DUI attorney’s calendar, DMV will not reschedule and you may not get the San Diego DUI attorney of your choice. There is no rush as long as your San Diego DUI attorney contacts DMV by the 10th day from your arrest.
9. The ten (10) day time limit is computed from the Issue date of the SUSPENSION/REVOCATION ORDER AND TEMPORARY DRIVER LICENSE. If time is running out or you are late, contact a San Diego DUI criminal defense lawyer ASAP.
7. Even if you did not receive this DMV paper, the California DMV will probably take action against your driving privileges.
6. Even if you have a license from another state, and even if the officer did not take your license, that state may also take action against your driving privileges.
5. This TEMPORARY DRIVER LICENSE ENDORSEMENT is valid for only thirty (30) days from the issue date.
If a DMV hearing is requested within ten (10) days, your DMV TEMPORARY will be extended & there will be a stay (delay) of any suspension until the outcome of your DMV hearing is determined.
4. Do not confuse this initial 30 day TEMPORARY DRIVER LICENSE with your court date!
The DMV and criminal proceedings are separate and independent. The outcome of one almost never affects the other. Sometimes the officer or the DMV paper confuses or misleads you to believe that the TEMPORARY DRIVER LICENSE is good “until the court date”. If there are approximately thirty (30) days from your arrest date to your court date, this may just be a dangerous coincidence. There usually are months before your DMV hearing takes place.
3. There are three (3) issues at the hearing if you completed a chemical test. (See reverse side of DMV paper.)
Issues are whether the San Diego DUI officer had probable cause to stop or contact you or whether the chemical test evidence is beatable.
2. The DMV has the burden of proof to prevail on all three (3) issues. If DMV meets the burden of proof on two (2) issues, you win!
1. All a San Diego DUI DMV attorney has to do is knock out one (1) DMV issue to save your license & you avoid any reissue fee and/or Proof of Insurance SR-22 filing!
Click on below San Diego Drunk Driving sites for more information or to contact a San Diego DUI Lawyer who can help: