A premier San Diego DUI Attorney will try to find out when your last alcoholic drink was, in relation to the time of driving.
San Diego Drunk Driving Criminal Defense Lawyers need to know if one’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Level was Increasing or Decreasing at the time of driving!
As long as the amount entering the blood is greater than what the liver can oxidize the San Diego DUI arrestee’s BAC will rise. This San Diego subject will generally have a lower BAC during the absorption phase than at the time of the San Diego DUI chemical test, which is taken at a later time.
If the San Diego DUI BAC test is taken when the alcohol level has peaked, or reached its plateau, your San Diego DUI criminal defense attorney will reasonably point out the San Diego BAC level will test as higher than it was earlier in the absorption phase.
On the other hand, San Diego DUI criminal defense lawyers properly explain that during the elimination phase, the BAC level starts to decline.
Thus, a San Diego DUI BAC test taken during the elimination phase may report a lower BAC than the actual value at the time of driving. However, your San Diego DUI criminal defense attorney will correctly point out the absorption phase and elimination phase are simply trends. Short fluctuations up or down may transpire during either of these phases. A San Diego Drunk Driving Criminal Defense Attorney will then correctly point out this is one of the reasons retrograde extrapolation is fraught with potential problems.
For information on San Diego DUI attorney problems such as guessing BAC, visit https://www.sandiegoduilawyer.com/new/Retrograde-Extrapolation.html . For information on San Diego Drunk Driving attorney problems involving assumptions, visit https://www.sandiegoduilawyer.com/new/assume.html .