Are San Diego DUI checkpoints used for more than just getting DUI drivers off the road?
People from all walks of life, all colors and stripes complained of harassment, complained of discrimination, complained of inconvenience and invasion of privacy,” says Andrea Guerrero, executive director of Equality Alliance.
She refers to a survey done by Equality Alliance between late May and mid-June of this year, claiming 64% of people questioned are opposed to checkpoints.
She contends San Diego DUI police should do checkpoints like the Los Angeles Police Department does:”They run checkpoints with advance notice to the population; 48 hours notice”.
Whereas Escondido Police Department has been the target of criticism over its checkpoints, primarily from the city’s minority community, rejecting charges of discrimination from members of the city’s Hispanic community. Escondido police Lt. Tom Albergo says the police department does not target any specific community or neighborhoods, and it follows the Ingersoll California DUI checkpoint guidelines found here in this San Diego Lawyer’s updated DUI Checkpoint Google Map.
The Equality Alliance held a news conference in front of the office of state Sen. Christine Kehoe, calling on her to support a proposed new law that would strictly regulate the checkpoints to be for DUI checking only.
DUI checkpoints in California are subject to these legal requirements. Attorneys strive to require compliance.