San Diego DUI Law Center

With one of the goals to even out the playing field in San Diego & California DUI trials, 80+ criminal defense attorneys and scholars enjoyed the fine presentation and came home with hundreds of pages of valuable information designed to help folks in need of the best California DUI & DMV Defense.

This 6th annual “Attacking & Defending DUI Cases” is one of the most popular DUI Defense Seminars offered to lawyers who wish to improve their skills and knowledge in defending folks accused of drunk drivers, according the Executive Director of the California DUI Lawyers Association. California is better served a result of these efforts to try to make things a little more fair. Because if you arrested for a DUI charge in California, you want a fair shake. Old School lawyer & author Don Bartell is the “Michael Jordan” of this team. He is arguably the best DUI criminal defense attorney in California, one of the top in the country. A truly humble genius, Don’s motto: “Win all the cases.” Don’s treatise is the hottest best-selling DUI Defense book: “Attacking and Defending Drunk Driving Tests”!

California DUI Lawyers Association Board Directors teach California DUI Defense at Loyola Law School In Los Angeles, California
Other CDLA Board members included a pit bull and a Mad Dog. A pit bull, California DUI Lawyers Association President “General” Vince Tucci, a national legend in DUI Defense. The Pillar of the DUI Defense Attorney bar, he is the “Wilt Chamberlin” of California DUI Defense Attorneys. MABA “Attorney of the Year” Felipe “Mad Dog” Plascencia co-sponsored this Mexican American Bar Association Annual DUI Seminar held at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. Felipe is a graduate of this fine school and is universally recognized as one of the top California DUI criminal defense attorneys. He is the “Kobe Bryant” of DUI Defense Lawyers in California. Also comprising the helpful team was California DUI criminal defense attorney Rick Mueller who devoted an additional 30 minutes of bonus time to his one hour DUI – DMV lecture.

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