San Diego California’s DUI laws are among the harshest in the state and country.
Demand a vigorous, proven San Diego California DUI Attorney with the necessary San Diego Drunk Driving knowledge and San Diego DUI expertise.
A San Diego DUI Attorney Specialist will get you the best possible resolution of your pending San Diego DUI criminal case and San Diego DMV case.
In San Diego, you begin being charged with a San Diego California DUI.
Depending on the facts of your San Diego DUI case and, more importantly, who your San Diego DUI Lawyer is, will determine whether or not you may be able to get your San Diego DUI charge dropped or reduced down to a lesser offense.
Below is a list of the types of San Diego California DUI lawyer statutes dealing with a San Diego DUI.
San Diego California DUI Laws:
Under 21 (Non-Injury) Minor California DUI Statutes
Over 21 (Non-Injury) Adult California DUI Statutes
First California DUI Offense
Second California DUI Offense
Third California DUI Offense
California Drunk Driving Enhancement Laws:
Minor Passenger Under 14 In the Car During DUI
Refusal to Submit to or Failure to Complete Chemical Test
Excessive Blood Alcohol Level .20 or Above
Second or Subsequent Offense Involving Alcohol or Drugs – Multiple DUI’s
Speeding 20 or More mph on the Street or 30 or More mph on Freeway + Reckless Driving Under CVC 23103
Impoundment of Vehicles or Sale as Nuisance
Fourth or Subsequent DUI Conviction Within Ten (10) Years Makes Current DUI Chargeable as a Felony
Prior Felony Conviction Within Ten (10) Years Makes Current DUI Chargeable as a Felony
DUI in Highway Construction or Maintenance Zone
DUI in Safety Enhancement Zone
Bodily Injury Inflicted on Another Person
Above San Diego Drunk Driving Enhancements substantially increase penalties &/or punishment, including but not limited to possible Jail time, unless the applicable San Diego California DUI Enhancement is dropped, reduced or not pursued.
Contact a San Diego California DUI Attorney to give you a better understanding of what your best San Diego drunk driving defense strategy or San Diego DMV tactic may be.
For a Free San Diego DUI Lawyer Evaluation, go to .