San Diego DUI Law Center

Most Dangerous Time on the Road

Most Dangerous Time on the Road Historically the most dangerous time on the road; the holiday season is a time full of celebration and alcohol. With Christmas and New Year’s quickly approaching, the increased opportunities for a DUI are upon us. While Christmas and New Year’s may look a little different admits the COVID-19 global […]

A San Diego Halloween Amidst a Pandemic

A San Diego Halloween Amidst a Pandemic San Diego made the most of Halloween this year, despite the grave uncertainty of the current global pandemic. While still abiding by the San Diego County guidelines set in place specifically for Halloween, San Diego residents got creative and made the most of their Halloween.   DUI Checkpoints […]

San Diego Supreme Court Covid-19 Updates

San Diego Supreme Court Covid-19 Updates Here are some San Diego Supreme Court Covid-19 updates: After a 10-week closure, the San Diego Superior Courthouse finally resumed activity on May 26th. While the courthouse has reopened, they did not do so without a strict set of guidelines and modifications. In order to comply with Covid-19 protocols, many necessary […]

How to Minimize Risk When Drinking Alcohol in Downtown San Diego?

How to minimize risk when drinking alcohol in downtown San Diego?      1. Rethink going out during the “reopening” period. A major risk that can easily be avoided is the regular DUI checkpoints that are expected to reconvene during this period. Not to mention the obvious, of having someone infect you with the Coronavirus/COVID-19.  Reclosing […]

Free Online AA, Smart Recovery or Self-Help Meetings

Read and click below.  Do not call 619 218-2997 (just a San Diego DUI lawyer). If you get arrested for a DUI, it is possible an alcohol problem could be the root of it. When your BAC is well over the .08% limit, and/or this is not your first DUI, there’s a strong indication that […]